Wednesday, June 21, 2006

TerraPass - Carbon offsets for fossil fools...

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Native Energy & Terra Pass - Carbon Offsetting...

Are you carbon offsetting ? Have you heard or read about this ? Let us hear what 'you' are doing to lessen your carbon footprint. We've read that carbon credits are the easiest way to offset our carbon consumption. We're using TerraPass and Native Energy for our carbon credits.

For the fossil foolish... TerraPass offers a way to annually offset fuel use based on mileage estimates and total miles. Native Energy offers a way to buy carbon credits, purchasing wind energy via their certified services. Visit their sites at or And please, drop a line and let us know if this was helpful, or if you know of other ways that people can make a difference by supporting carbon offsets...

Greenfully yours, Thurston & Lovey Howell aka JD & Kelley.