Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eugene in Blue Jeans...

I cannot believe it's October, that we've been here since February, and that we haven't made time to post to our four blogs since arriving... or, that it's been a low priority compared to our work, new home, and new companion Bella... our 10 pound Pomeranian/Cairn terrier mix. With the leaves that are falling into our yard now and the obedience schooling our pet's going through, there's not much time left over for much else... so I haven't.

But, with the mission that we follow at Bike Friday, where I have the opportunity to serve the salesteam as their manager, it has again surfaced in my heart that I need to put forth new words about Cut 20. It is all about 'cutting' 20% of our consumption of fossil fuels - every day. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize, in part, to Vice President Al Gore is witness to the awareness that is quickly transforming our transportation agendas. We need to Cut many 20's more to meet the need.

Bike Friday and I share a mission. To get people out of their cars and onto bike seats. The too numerous benefits of not sitting in traffic... getting a reasonable amount of exercise, lessening emissions, saving money... the list goes on and on... yet, we see diminishing numbers of people riding - except in locales where a community makes sensible choices to create leadership positions highlighting safety awareness, access, safe routes to school, even incentives that offer money to buy folding bikes and ride the bus. Leadership... it's what we need more of.

I have harped on this before. It doesn't seem to have any affect (like I'm Ralph Nader). But, through my position and my company, I witness many, many individuals all over who are coming to the surface to say - I want to make a difference. The impetus for some is our new tikit foldable bike. I ride one to and from work, to the hardware, bakery, grocery, video, bank, wherever I need to go. And, the big difference that I love about this bike is showing off how fast it folds... under 5 seconds ! That, and the part where I stick it in a shopping cart or roll it into Starbucks with me - because I don't have to lock it up (it's that diminutive when folded).

I'm looking forward to the next evolvement of my tikit. We have some new components en route, and when they arrive - I'm going to speed it... that is, convert it into a Speeding tikit. Capreo rear wheel with 9-26 cassette and the Speedwell 53t crank up front. That will give me from a 33 to a 95 gear inch ratio allowing me to range in speed from 9 to 25 mph at 90 rpm... not too shabby for a fast-folder. The Stikit, for short (my dub), will have Salsa drop bars, black cork wrap, Ultegra STI shifters, and hopefully a much lighter saddle and a few titanium bits here and there. And the last and best improvement will be switching from Schwalbe Marathon K's to Stelvio's... that's where I'll pick up a bunch of speed and acceleration, I think.

I'm hopeful of adding some pics soon of me and my
Stikit, as soon as it's complete. The other one that I think a lot of people will migrate to is the Express tikit (offered), which is like the Speeding model I've described (not offered), but has a modified Bike Friday H-bar, aero brake levers, and a simple barcon shifter accompanying the Capreo 9-speed rear. That model will be available November, in several colors and with limited sizing options. Schweet...

So, keep checking back to see new ways for you to 'Cut 20' in your daily commutes... and 'til next time, I'll see you out there, on my bike of course.

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